5th Annual Workshop of the Scaling Up Community of Practice

The 5th Annual Workshop of the Global CoP on Scaling Development Outcomes was held virtually on October 19, 20, 23, 26, 28, and 30, 2020, and featured three panel sessions and discussion sessions hosted by each of the nine Working Groups. See video of the Nutrition Scaling Working Group meeting here.

Madeline Dickson

The Global Community of Practice (CoP) on Scaling Development Outcomes was established by Larry Cooley and Johannes Linn in 2014 and now operates 9 active Working Groups (education, health, agriculture, nutrition, social enterprises, youth employment, climate change, fragile states, and monitoring and evaluation) with over 700 active members. The purpose of the CoP is to provide a platform for knowledge exchange among experts and practitioners on approaches to scaling up development interventions, for developing partnerships, and for championing the idea that scaling up development impact is critical for achieving global development aspirations, such as the Sustainable Development Goals and climate change aspirations.


The 5th Annual Workshop of the Global CoP on Scaling Development Outcomes will be held virtually on October 19, 20, 23, 26, 28, and 30, 2020 between 9am and 11am EST. This year’s workshop will feature three panel sessions the first week, followed in week two by a series of discussion sessions hosted by each of the nine Working Groups. All sessions are open to both members and non-members and will be recorded and made available for viewing on the CoP’s new website after the event.


Update – October 30, 2020

While the 5th Annual workshop has concluded, you may see all the sessions on the Scaling Up Community of Practice website here. Please watch the recording of the Nutrition Working Group meeting, which features ECF’s Senior Research Program Officer, Chytanya Kompala below.


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