
Generating Evidence to Scale What Works

Despite the existence of proven and cost-effective interventions to address malnutrition, implementation at scale remains minimal. To encourage scale-up of effective interventions, the Eleanor Crook Foundation partners with world-renowned multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations, universities, and other partners to conduct implementation research through our RISE for Nutrition portfolio and other investments.

ECF is exclusively focused on undernutrition. We invest in a diverse range of technical areas to generate critical evidence regarding the scale up of preventative and treatment interventions. We predominantly support on-the-ground research in Sub-Saharan Africa and have had a long-standing, though not exclusive focus, on East Africa.

ECF also supports critically needed leadership and consensus building at global-level institutions around key research questions and priorities. Through investments in technical convenings, evidence synthesis, and coalition-building among malnutrition donors, researchers, practitioners and UN agencies, ECF aims to create enabling environments for the scale-up of high impact malnutrition interventions.

ECF’s Pathway to Scale Consists of Three Stages

Stage 3

Catalyzing Scale-up

Stage 2

Testing results in multiple contexts

Stage 1

establishing effectiveness

Through RISE, ECF supports innovative approaches to improving nutrition outcomes at scale.

ECF’s RISE for Nutrition portfolio is a subset of the Foundation’s investment portfolio. All ECF RISE projects include considerations of scale during design, build on country-level priorities and systems, and involve key local actors in order to ensure buy-in and support at all stages of implementation research.


Highlights from ECF’s Research Portfolio

For the latest updates on the Eleanor Crook Foundation’s efforts and funding opportunities, please sign-up for our newsletter.

More on ECF's Research

Centering Child Health through Immunization and Nutrition Integration

Countries Driving Impact on Maternal Nutrition: Stories from Nepal, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia

Starting Strong: Partnership Launch Event in Nepal Sets Stage for Research on Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation in Pregnancy and Lactation

ECF at the 5th FANUS Conference in Dakar, Senegal


Header Image – © UNICEF/Naftalin
Image 1 – © WFP/Awadh