The Latest

News, stories, and resources about our fight against malnutrition.

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June 2024

Countries Driving Impact on Maternal Nutrition: Stories from Nepal, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia

October 2021

Resource: Nourish the Future

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October 2021

Global Development Groups Urge U.S. Leadership To End Malnutrition Across Globe with Launch of Mobile Billboard In Nation’s Capital

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October 2021

Global Development Groups and Officials, Members of Congress Convene on Bold Bipartisan Proposal for U.S. Leadership on Malnutrition Ahead of World Food Day

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October 2021

Journalists from Kenya, India, Nigeria Recognized for Exemplary Reporting on Malnutrition

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October 2021

Joint statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore and CEO of the Eleanor Crook Foundation William Moore ahead of World Food Day

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October 2021

LifePack Raises Over $10,000 with PUBG: Battlegrounds

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September 2021

USAID Joins ECF and the US DFC in the Global Nutrition Financing Alliance

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July 2021

ECF Hosts Virtual Roundtable with U.S. Congresswoman Deborah Ross on North Carolina’s Contributions to Global Health

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July 2021

ECF and partners release Nourish the Future, a bold U.S. vision to combat malnutrition

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June 2021

Resource: Child Wasting: Reforming A Broken System of Care

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June 2021

ECF Launches LifePack to Help End Childhood Malnutrition

Lancet series
March 2021

Resource: Lancet series on high-impact cost-effective interventions

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