UN0282309 scaled

ECF Supports ENN as Thought Leader on Nutrition Issues

May 21, 2020

After two years of partnership, ECF and ENN entered into a three-year strategic grant.

Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) and ECF entered into a three-year strategic grant from 2020-2023 that supports ENN to continue to serve as a thought leader in the global nutrition community. ENN will develop educational materials for technical and non-technical communities in the form of webinars, podcasts, and briefs, as well as lead discussions on critical matters for the global nutrition community. In 2020, ENN held a webinar with UNICEF, WHO, WFP, and FAO to discuss its assessment of the Global Action Plan on child wasting and a webinar on the development of the WHO guidelines on wasting treatment. Likewise, ENN will continue its leadership of the Global Technical Assistance Mechanism for Nutrition (GTAM).