In April 2020, ECF issued a $1,000,000 grant to UNICEF to facilitate the development of the Global Action Plan on Child Wasting Roadmap. The Global Action Plan on Child Wasting provided a critical framework for making progress on this global health crisis, but ultimately, it will rely on an operational roadmap at the global and country-level to drive impact. UNICEF is working alongside WHO, WFP, FAO, and UNHCR to accelerate the review of global and national plans for child wasting.
The Eleanor Crook Foundation and the Grant Family Announce the creation of the James P. Grant Child Survival Award
The Eleanor Crook Foundation and Philanthropic Partners Release New Investment Case to Reach Pregnant Women Worldwide with a Complete Prenatal Supplement
The Eleanor Crook Foundation and Mana Nutrition Applaud the U.S. Government's Continued Leadership in Combating Child Malnutrition