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Evidence matters

Catalyzing the next stage of the child survival revolution requires a data-driven approach.

Decades of evidence have driven consensus around a set of lifesaving and cost-effective malnutrition solutions – and yet they have not been deployed at scale. We partner to change that.


A Research-Backed Approach to Saving Lives

To save children’s lives, we must urgently scale proven solutions that prevent and treat malnutrition. These include high-impact, cost-effective solutions like prenatal multivitamins, vitamin A supplementation, breastfeeding support for mothers, and therapeutic foods.

EVIDENCE UNICEF Ethiopia 2020 Ephrem Tamiru

© UNICEF Ephrem Tamiru

The Power of Collective Impact

No single organization can do everything.

We focus our resources and efforts on scaling the most proven and cost-effective solutions – and know that sustainable gains in the fight against malnutrition will require shared ambition across stakeholders.

Catalyzing change through partnerships

We work closely with partners, country governments, and policymakers to chart the path toward a world free of malnutrition.