June 2024
The Eleanor Crook Foundation and the Grant Family Announce the creation of the James P. Grant Child Survival Award
Resource: Using the Lives Saved Tool to inform global nutrition advocacy
Resource: Small-Quantity Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements
Centering Child Health through Immunization and Nutrition Integration
Countries Driving Impact on Maternal Nutrition: Stories from Nepal, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia
The Eleanor Crook Foundation and Philanthropic Partners Release New Investment Case to Reach Pregnant Women Worldwide with a Complete Prenatal Supplement
Resource: Healthier Pregnancies and Brighter Futures for Mothers and Babies
The Eleanor Crook Foundation and Mana Nutrition Applaud the U.S. Government's Continued Leadership in Combating Child Malnutrition
Starting Strong: Partnership Launch Event in Nepal Sets Stage for Research on Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation in Pregnancy and Lactation
Eleanor Crook Foundation and CRI Foundation Partner with Action Against Hunger to Accelerate Global Uptake of Updated WHO Guidelines on Child Wasting
Resource: Why Access to Prenatal Vitamins is a Health Equity Issue
Unlocking a Healthier Future: Maternal Nutrition & Increased Access to Prenatal Multivitamins
We’re looking for others who are obsessed with evidence, cost-effectiveness, and scaling solutions to end child deaths.